Folk Medicine With Wild Blackberry

Folk Medicine With Wild Blackberry
Folk Medicine With Wild Blackberry

Wild blackberry relieves conditions such as diarrhea, diabetes, white flow, and helps with dysentery. In folk medicine, the herb is also used for prolonged and heavy menstruation, varicose veins, flu, pharyngitis, cough, sore throat, inflamed gums, cold sores and more.

The fruits of wild blackberry can also help with inflammation of the respiratory tract, colds. You can make the following decoction that will relieve colds:

- Pour 2 tbsp. of the herb with half a liter of boiling water. Leave the decoction to soak for an hour, then strain. The infusion prepared in this way is drunk four times a day.

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Benefits of Diva Kapina

The following recipe is used for pneumonia:

- Mix 4 quince leaves with a handful of wild blackberry leaves. Add 500 - 600 ml of water to them and put on the stove. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then remove from the heat and strain. It should be drunk three times a day in 200 ml, you can sweeten with honey if you prefer. Drink until the disease passes.

To treat varicose veins, take baths with a decoction of blackberries. The roots are used for this purpose - they are taken out in October and November. You can also make a decoction of 20 g of horse chestnut and oak, 50 g of clove and horsetail, 100 g of blackberry roots and rhubarb root.

Medicine with Wild Blackberry
Medicine with Wild Blackberry

Add 30 g of white grindstone color to the mixture. Take 2 tbsp. of these herbs and boil them in half a liter of water - boil for 5 minutes. After the mixture cools, strain and drink 4 times a day. Be sure to take before meals.

For the treatment of cold sores and inflamed gums, it is enough to dabble daily with a decoction of blackberries. For white flow in women mix the leaves and fruits of the herb and boil a decoction - 2 tbsp. pour 400 ml of boiling water.

Leave the herbs in the water for an hour, then take the decoction three times a day. The amount of each intake is 1 tsp.

In gastritis, mix blackberry leaves, chicory, mountain savory and comfrey roots - equal amounts. In a suitable container put 300 ml of water and after boiling, put 1 tbsp. of mixed herbs.

When cool, the decoction is filtered and drunk 3 times a day in 100 ml. It is best to drink half an hour before a meal.
