Folk Medicine With Wild Garlic (yeast)

Folk Medicine With Wild Garlic (yeast)
Folk Medicine With Wild Garlic (yeast)

The herb yeast is used in both folk medicine and cooking. Decoctions of the herb are known in folk medicine, and in many places in the country they prepare medicinal brandy. Of course, in different areas in Bulgaria the recipe is prepared differently, but the general principle is as follows:

You need leaves or bulbs of wild garlic. Cut the leaves and put them in a suitable bottle, then add brandy. Leave the healing mixture to stand for two weeks in a sunny place.

After this period you can take 1 teaspoon of brandy diluted with water. It is believed that this medicinal brandy helps with atherosclerosis, improves memory, affects sleep. It also lowers blood pressure and prevents dizziness.

Except brandy from wild garlic, a recipe for wine from the herb is also known in folk medicine. Here's how to do it:

You need a handful of chopped leaves of the herb. Put them in 250 ml of white wine, which has been boiled beforehand. The wine should be sweetened with honey - put to taste. Drink in small sips.


For stomach problems, it is recommended to fill the finely chopped leaves of the herb with warm milk. Then leave for a few hours, after which the infusion can be taken in small sips.

This recipe is extremely suitable for chronic or acute gastrointestinal disorders. Fresh leaves of the herb stimulate urination, cleanse the kidneys.

Wild onion leaves should be used fresh when it comes to treatment, because once they dry, they lose their healing properties. The plant can relieve both dry and painful cough.

Stomach problems can be solved with a single intake of a few garlic cloves.

You can prepare an infusion of the herb by pouring 1 tsp. dried bulbs with 300 ml of boiling water. Allow the mixture to soak for 60 minutes and then take one cup of coffee three times a day. Drink before meals.

In case of wounds, a mash of crushed bulbs is made - it is applied on the place and gauze is applied. The herb is not recommended for people who suffer from gastritis or ulcers.
