The Refreshing Power Of Wild Onions And Wild Garlic

The Refreshing Power Of Wild Onions And Wild Garlic
The Refreshing Power Of Wild Onions And Wild Garlic

Wild garlic (yeast), with its powerful antibacterial, antibiotic and antiseptic properties should be present often in our menu. Its benefits have a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Wild garlic is a great remedy for lowering blood pressure and also protects us from strokes. Due to its antioxidant composition, it maintains good body tone by increasing its immune defenses.

It grows in early spring in wooded areas, and is sometimes found in interurban areas. And to make sure you're holding it in your hands wild garlic, then rub a leaf between your fingers to feel the specific smell of garlic.


Rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, manganese and selenium, yeast also lowers bad LDL cholesterol and reduces the risk of blood clots.

On the other hand, wild onion has a variety of qualities that allow it to be used as a medicine, insect repellent, in cooking, as well as as a decoration in the flower garden.

The whole plant is absolutely safe for consumption - both the bulb and its plumage. It can be eaten raw, baked or fried, but heat treatment is not preferable.

In medicine wild onions has been used for centuries because of its ability to cure various ailments. For example, it is a cure for coughs, sore throats, asthma, and bacterial infections. As an antiseptic, its juice is used to clean wounds of various types.

Chives have a high concentration of polyphenols, which with their antioxidant properties are very useful for the human body. In addition, these plant compounds slow down the aging of cells, keeping the body youthful for longer.

Various claims also describe wild onions as a means of preventing the development of malignant and cardiovascular diseases. It contains anti-cancer sulfur compounds, as well as substances that help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Rich in quercetin (a bioflavonoid with antiallergic activity), chives help the lungs and upper respiratory tract.
