At What Age What Should Be Consumed

At What Age What Should Be Consumed
At What Age What Should Be Consumed

Every period of life must be determined by the need to meet the requirements of healthy nutritional needs.

Meals from 0 to 1 year:

Breast milk - during the first 6 months, breast milk meets the needs of all babies. After the 6th month, breastfeeding should be continued for up to 2 years with additional nutrients.

Feeding from 1 to 6 years:

For the development of the body during this period should be taken fresh and yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, etc., as they are rich in calcium. To strengthen the immune system should be consumed oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, broccoli. They are rich in vitamin C. Rich in vitamin C, green and red peppers can be used as a means of brushing teeth in babies.

Salmon, tuna, oily fish such as mackerel and sardines should be consumed to provide the body with the required amount of vitamin D. They are richest in vitamin D. 85 grams of salmon cover twice the body's need for vitamin D. Yolk and yogurt are also rich in vitamin D. The most important source of vitamin D is the sun. 15-30 minutes a day in the sun is enough to get the necessary amount.

Baby feeding
Baby feeding

Feeding from 6 to 12 years:

It is necessary to consume red meat, cereals, offal, legumes, oilseeds, as they are rich in iron. It is important to eat protein to gain muscle mass. These are meats, milks, eggs, legumes.

Imitation - During this period, children imitate their parents in terms of healthy eating habits.

Meals from 12 to 18 years:

Breakfast: Studies have shown that students of this age, if they eat breakfast in the morning, perform better in school than those who skip breakfast.

Water: the acquisition of the habit of drinking water during this period of the body's development contributes to the further consumption of sufficient water.

Nutrition from 18 to 30 years:

Folic acid - the body uses folic acid to produce healthy new cells. The best sources of folic acid are liver, leafy vegetables, legumes and other seeds.

Eating eggs
Eating eggs

Antioxidant nutrients - in addition to keeping the body healthy and young, also strengthen the immune system, increase energy levels. You can get them by eating watermelon, tomatoes, grapefruit, apricots, mangoes, carrots, cherries, cherries and grapes.

Nutrition from 30 to 50 years:

Fiber - The risk of cancer increases with age. Here it is very important to consume chickpeas, lentils, red beans, whole grain and multigrain bread, unrefined cereals such as pasta and brown rice, walnuts, almonds, seeds, fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, cereals.

Omega-3 - contributes to energy production. A diet program rich in omega-3, eliminates fatigue, increases the functions of perception, helps with high blood sugar and blood pressure, rheumatism, migraines and skin problems. Omega -3 is found in oily fish, walnuts, almonds, beans, soy, chickpeas, green leafy vegetables.

Meals 50+

Weakened bones need calcium. Therefore, you should drink 2-3 glasses of fresh milk or yogurt every day. Zinc - for hair loss, skin, bones, wound healing zinc is needed. Contained in seafood, almonds, walnuts, eggs.

Vitamin D is needed to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. This can be done by exposing the sun to 15-30 minutes or eating enough oily fish.
