Drinks That Should NOT Be Consumed For Gout

Drinks That Should NOT Be Consumed For Gout
Drinks That Should NOT Be Consumed For Gout

Gout is a condition in which attacks of very acute inflammatory arthritis recur - inflamed, painful and reddened joint. The most commonly affected part of gout is the joint in the big toe. However, it can also manifest as kidney stones.

Gout is an extremely painful disease. People with gout have increased significantly in recent decades, affecting 1-2% of people in the Western world at various stages of their lives. In history, gout has been known as the disease of kings or the disease of the rich.

Gout can manifest in many ways, but most often it manifests as inflammatory arthritis. In addition to the big toe joint, the joints of the heels, knees, wrists and toes can also be affected by gout. The pain begins at night pardi lower body temperature.

Foods and beverages recommended for gout aim to reduce uric acid production. Gout can be caused by high consumption of meat, seafood and alcohol. Therefore, people suffering from gout should follow a certain regimen when eating and drinking.

Gout is caused when a person's body produces large amounts of uric acid. These high levels lead to the deposition of acid crystals around the joints. People suffering from gout should take plenty of water, which helps remove uric acid from the body.

Doctors recommend drinking 3 to 6 liters a day. People suffering from obesity need to lose weight because they are also a factor in the disease of gout.

Patients with this disease should limit alcohol intake. Only 1-2 glasses of wine per day of 150 ml are allowed.

Low or no fat dairy products should be taken. Prohibited foods for gout are game, offal, yeast, seafood, peanuts. They can be taken in small amounts of coffee, soft drinks, tea, cocoa, fruits, juices, vegetables, skim dairy products, eggs, nuts and lots of water.
