How To Make A Real Espresso At Home

How To Make A Real Espresso At Home
How To Make A Real Espresso At Home

Many people around the world reach for a cup of coffee as the first drink of the day. This is not only because of its miraculous effects on waking, but because they can not resist its pleasant taste and incredible aroma.

On November 23, the United States celebrates the day of espresso, so let's talk how to make real espresso at home.

One of the most common forms in which we drink our favorite caffeine pleasure is espresso. The creation of a glass of espresso is a process that requires diligence and attention to detail.

This type of coffee drink has a thick consistency, thick foam and a rich taste and aroma. For making real espresso it is necessary to follow certain rules, even if it is prepared by a coffee machine or coffee maker.

The perfect espresso begins with the fine grinding of coffee beans. The most common type of coffee suitable for espresso is the Robusta variety, to which we owe the wonderful cream that comes in the cup.

How to make a real espresso at home
How to make a real espresso at home

However, according to many experts, espresso made from a mixture of 100% Arabica beans is considered to be of better quality because it tastes finer and more fragrant.

For the preparation of quality espresso coffee most often between 7 and 8 g of ground coffee are needed. Once you put the right amount in your coffee machine, it should not take more than 25 to 30 seconds to prepare.

However, if it expires faster than this time, it will be sour, light brown and bland in taste. The rich dark brown cream, called cream or foam on the surface of the cup, is the best indicator of properly cooked quality espresso.

In order to be able to make good coffee, invest in a good machine, avoiding those with capsules, because the coffee has long been ground in them, and bet on manual espresso machine, or a machine that grinds coffee beans at the moment. Except the preparation of quality espresso, there are also secrets associated with its consumption.

Italian traditions dictate that coffee be drunk in 3 to 4 quick sips, after taking a deep breath of the aroma of the drink.

True connoisseurs really think so good espresso it should be drunk without additives, because only in this way can its qualities be felt.
