How To Make Chocolate Eggs At Home?

How To Make Chocolate Eggs At Home?
How To Make Chocolate Eggs At Home?

Almost everyone, not to mention the little ones, loves chocolate eggs. They are delicious, interesting and surprising. If we think about it, what else does a person need. However, in order not to fall into culinary and philosophical considerations, we offer you a quick, easy and extremely tasty recipe on how to make chocolate eggs at home.

There are several necessary tools and products. First you need a plastic egg mold. The bigger it is, the easier it will be for you to make the cake. If you are wondering where you can find such a form, they are usually sold in home improvement stores or large hypermarkets.

The other necessary products are 200 grams of white chocolate, 200 grams of milk chocolate, three tablespoons of chocolate oatmeal, which you can replace with chocolate crisps.

Wash well and then dry the plastic mold. Then melt the white chocolate in a water bath. When ready, apply a thin layer on both halves of the form. Save some white chocolate to stick the two halves together. Wait for the chocolate to harden. It will usually take you about 15 minutes.

Allow the white chocolate to set. Milk chocolate is next. Melt it in a water bath. Cover the white layer with a brown layer. It's time for the chocolate crisps. Apply them in a thin layer and cover them again with a layer of brown chocolate.

Leave the egg together with the form for about an hour and a half so that the chocolate can harden very well. Then carefully remove the two halves of the almost finished treat. Glue them together using a small amount of white chocolate. Cut off the excess when it hardens.

Although the recipe may seem difficult, the biggest hurdle is usually finding a plastic egg mold. If you can't handle the search, you can end up using a muffin tin and making just as delicious chocolate chip cookies instead of a chocolate egg using exactly the same technology.
