Cucumbers - Ideal For Weight Loss

Cucumbers - Ideal For Weight Loss
Cucumbers - Ideal For Weight Loss

It is known that cucumbers lose weight easily. They are ideal for supplementing any diet, are low in calories and can be consumed in virtually unlimited quantities.

One kilogram of cucumbers equals 135 calories and 950 ml of water. Cucumbers have been used since ancient times and as a cosmetic. Cucumber masks hydrate the skin, rejuvenate it and help renew it.

In addition, the cucumber in the form of a mask makes the skin soft and tender. In case of cellulite, it is mandatory to rub the problem areas with grated cucumber puree.

Cucumber contains vitamins A, B, C, E, H and PP, iron, potassium, [calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, zinc. The Egyptians used cucumber juice with rose water to promote overall health.

Cucumbers contain water, which is able to break down many toxins. Daily consumption of cucumbers helps cleanse the body and eliminate toxins.

The mild diuretic action of cucumbers make them indispensable in the diet of people with cardiovascular disease, especially those that are accompanied by edema.

Sliced Cucumbers
Sliced Cucumbers

Cucumbers contain iodine, which is completely absorbed by the thyroid gland, so cucumber helps prevent diseases of this gland.

Cucumbers improve metabolic processes in the human body. They contain folic acid, which reduces appetite, and at the expense of the content of insulin-like substance, they help to normalize blood sugar and prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into fat.

If your skin is prone to pimples and blackheads, eat at least twice a day for half an hour before eating a cucumber peel without adding salt.

If you often form bags under the eyes, make a compress of fresh cucumber juice on the skin around the eyes for fifteen minutes and the swelling will disappear.
