An Effective Diet For Men

An Effective Diet For Men
An Effective Diet For Men

Do not think that men do not pay attention to their appearance. On the contrary, it is sometimes more important than anything to them. However, most often suffer from a lack of free time because of the obligations they have. In reality, however, if they decide, they can focus on the desired goal and have a stronger will. This is why men lose weight more easily than women.

Striving and perseverance are key in a man's quest for a good body. In addition, the stronger sex is quite difficult to succumb to temptations such as sweets. In theory, it is easier for them to lose weight. In practice, however, rules need to be followed, as well as a properly selected diet.

One of the things that a man who wants to take off one or another ring is a change of habits. This includes regular exercise and a great deal of abstinence - this is a brief description of this diet.


The man's diet should include three lean and tasty meals a day. They will be the main source and basis of the diet. Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. At lunch, he relies on protein products, and at dinner a portion of carbohydrates to help burn fat.

As with any diet, snacks should be inserted between main meals. The best are, for example, a small bucket of yogurt and 100 ml of tomato juice at 10 o'clock and an afternoon snack, which can be a crunchy diet bread with a spoonful of cottage cheese and sliced cucumber.

Sample menu


Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese

Example 1: a slice of wholemeal bread with ½ spoon of low-fat butter, 30 g of lean cooked ham, 100 g of melon;

Example 2: 2 slices of crispy diet bread with ½ a teaspoon of butter and a spoonful of berry jam;

Example 3: 3 tablespoons whole grain oatmeal (no sugar), a tablespoon of cottage cheese and 3 tablespoons of milk, 150 g of melon;

Example 4: 4 tbsp. cream cheese mixed with 2 tsp. sliced olives spread on a toasted slice of bread, 200 g of grapefruit juice;

10 h: 1/2 slice wholemeal bread, 1/2 cup grapefruit juice;

Lunch: 2 tsp. mustard, spread on a slice of bread, 85 g roasted turkey breast, 55 g low-fat or melted cheese, roasted red pepper, a glass of parsley or fresh spinach, bean salad, green onions, 1 tbsp. basil, flavored with vinegar, olive oil and black pepper, 2 kiwis;

Grapefruit juice
Grapefruit juice

4 pm: 2 tbsp. skim cream with 1 tsp. dill mixed with 8 carrots and 50 g of lyutenitsa;

Dinner: 110 g roasted fish with 1 tsp. tomato sauce, stewed green beans with olive oil and parsley and 1 baked potato.

The optimal caloric level for people doing light work behind a desk is 1500 kcal per day. For a man who does hard physical work, the calories should be increased to 1800 or even 2000 per day.

Do not forget to drink fluids - a minimum of 2 liters of fluid per day (still water, juice, tea - alcohol does not count). Also, do not leave traffic in the background.
