We Lived To See It! The Bacon Diet Is Among The Most Effective

We Lived To See It! The Bacon Diet Is Among The Most Effective
We Lived To See It! The Bacon Diet Is Among The Most Effective

The bacon diet is the latest hit weight loss regimen. This low-carb diet with natural fats and bacon breaks stereotypes and takes the pursuit of a lean body to a new level.

The idea came from the Bulgarian Atanas Uzunov. He shares his experience on social networks, and his followers have increased by 30,000 in just one day. His idea is to tell about his personal experience in the fight against weight loss and obesity, and it's completely free.

Our hero is 39 years old, from Sofia. He is trying out a low-carb, high-fat diet. Atanas resorted to it after many years of struggle with weight, a number of diseases, dozens of medical consultations and unsatisfactory results.

Atanas took the first step in the right direction by buying a wide variety of literature. He studies the human body and diseases. The man watches dozens of scientific and documentary films of nutrition experts. He is interested in the carbohydrate intolerant Professor Tim Knox and Dr. William Davey, who denies wheat.

Two years ago, Atanas weighed 140 kilograms. One day he simply refuses all fast and harmful foods and starts eating healthily. Today he weighs 71 kg and claims to have discovered the secret to losing weight. According to him, obese people have given up natural fats - butter, olive oil, lard and have turned to processed - oil, sugar, low-calorie, whole grains, low-fat foods. And processed foods are harmful.

The diet that Atanas is on is low in carbohydrates. In it, carbohydrates are minimized, and more fats are consumed at their expense. Unlike many other diets, this one is eaten after 12 hours, twice - at lunch and dinner. In addition, fasting is practiced in it - periodic fasting, in which only liquids are taken for 24 hours.

All kinds of meat are allowed on Atanas' menu, including lamb, bacon, trifles and offal. Fish and high-fat products are eaten at will. Of the vegetables, the man consumed more of those that grow above the ground. The reason is that the rest contain more carbohydrates such as onions and carrots. The only exception is potatoes.

Of the fruits allowed for consumption are sour. If you like sweets, you can eat a little chocolate with a high content of cocoa.

Carbohydrate foods raise blood sugar and insulin. To remove them, the body begins to accumulate cells in the abdomen and legs. Excluding processed foods, as well as whole grains, the body clears itself of sugar and begins to burn fat. Even an orange is able to stop this melting in 24 hours.

Atanas is an example that the regime works. Today, he advises dozens of people on how to change their lives. Positive examples are not late - Tanya and Maya are among the first followers of the regime and are already showing enviable results. Tanya has already lost 28 kg of her weight, and Maya no longer swells despite the diagnoses Hashimoto and IR.

The high fat content of the diet proves to be really helpful. Add bacon to your diet and see how it melts. The regime makes you feel full and full of energy. In addition to losing weight, it also improves your overall health. So do not delay and run to the store for fatty meats and delicious bacon and eat them with pleasure.
