2024 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2023-12-16 08:29
When we have to remove another unnecessary ring, it comes to our aid the three-day diet with eggs. It is quite strict and low in calories, but still only for three days, and the result is worth it.
Remember that in no case should we continue it more than the specified period, because with longer observance we can do more harm than good.
From the potatoes in the diet we will supply our body with energy and a lot of potassium.
And from the eggs come important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, a large amount of lecithin, but also a lot of cholesterol.
It is also possible to slow down your heart rate if you continue to follow the regimen after the third day. Here he is:
First day - a slice of wholemeal bread, very thinly spread with butter; tea or coffee but without sugar;
10 hours -100 g of baked potatoes;
Lunch - 1 boiled egg and 300 g of baked potatoes;
16 hours - 200 ml of fresh milk;
Dinner - 1 hard-boiled egg and 300 g of potatoes.
Second day - A slice of wholemeal bread with 1 tbsp. cottage cheese
10 hours - 200 g of yogurt;
Lunch - 1 tsp. broth, 1 boiled egg and 300 g of potato salad;
16 hours - 200 ml of fresh milk;
Dinner - potato soup with cheese and 1 boiled egg.
Third day - 1 slice of wholemeal bread, thinly spread with mayonnaise and 1 tsp. tea;
10 hours - 1 apple and 100 g of yogurt;
Lunch - hot potatoes / about 300-400 g / and 1 boiled egg;
16 hours - 200 ml of fresh milk;
Dinner-300 g potato salad and 1 pc. grapefruit;
During the diet it is very important to drink at least 2 liters of water.
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