An Effective Diet According To Your Weight

An Effective Diet According To Your Weight
An Effective Diet According To Your Weight

Diets are strictly individual and there are many types. There are diets for weight loss, to regulate weight, diets for certain parts of the body, for a healthy lifestyle, and much more.

Here we will pay attention to a diet that you can build yourself and decide which day what to eat. The diet is mainly for weight loss, but also helps to cleanse the body from mixing the many types of foods and products that we consume daily without thinking about which group they belong to and whether it is good to combine them with each other.

There are no limits to this diet - the only condition is to eat in moderation, in small portions and more often. What is included in the consumption during the day should be the same for the whole day. Different types of food can be mixed here, even fried food is allowed.

An effective diet according to your weight
An effective diet according to your weight

To make it clearer, we give a specific example: If during the day you have an omelette with cheese and a slice of bread for breakfast, then during the rest of the day the products you can eat are eggs, cheese and bread. Of course, bread is a pasta, so it is desirable to include in the menu only once more with one slice. The combinations for eggs and cheese can be very different, which gives the impression that you are not following a diet.

You can boil 2 eggs for the day, eat them every 2 hours with a little cheese, and for dinner make an omelet again. The next day you decide what to include in your menu. It is good to alternate a day to eat protein - meat and meat products, and a day to consume dairy products - eggs, cheese, milk, cottage cheese and more.

Jam is also not excluded from the menu, but it is desirable to refrain from it. However, a cube or two of chocolate will not ruin your regime.

This diet continues until you get the desired result. If you are overweight, then the products that may predominate in your daily dose are mostly vegetables and protein.

An effective diet according to your weight
An effective diet according to your weight

It is important to mention that with this diet you can not lose weight in two or three days. With it, unwanted fat melts little by little. This is the biggest proof that the diet you will take is rather a diet and a healthy diet without the well-known Yo-yo effect, in which the weight invariably returns.

This diet is relatively new and originates in the United States. Well-known nutritionists such as Sharon Palmer recommend this type of "feeding", in which the other important thing is to drink plenty of water - the rule is that every 25 kg. one should drink 1 liter of water. This means that if you weigh 50 kg, the standard amount of water for you is 2 liters per day.
