Strawberries Against Bad Cholesterol

Strawberries Against Bad Cholesterol
Strawberries Against Bad Cholesterol

Eating 500 g of strawberries per day can help defeat the so-called. bad cholesterol, show the results of a study. Triglyceride levels will also decrease, the researchers said.

The study involved 23 volunteers who ate more than a pound of strawberries every day for more than a month. The study is joint - between Spanish and Italian scientists, the specialists are from the Polytechnic University of Marche, as well as the universities of Seville and Salamanca.

Volunteers underwent blood tests before and after the test. According to their results, their total cholesterol dropped by an average of about 8.78%. Bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels also dropped by 14 percent and 21 percent, respectively.

The well-known one good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein remained unchanged, experts say. The results show that strawberries also improved other parameters in the blood of volunteers - improved platelet function, plasma lipid profile, antioxidant biomarkers such as vitamin C.

Benefits of Strawberries
Benefits of Strawberries

Fifteen days after the end of the study, they all returned to their original levels - after the end of the "treatment" with strawberries, the volunteers resumed their old lifestyle.

At this stage, experts have no evidence of exactly which compounds in delicious strawberries achieve such positive results. Their assumptions are that these are anthocyanins - these are actually plant pigments that provide the red color of the fragrant fruit.

Not only strawberries are useful and recommended for reduction of bad cholesterol. A slice of watermelon can also help fight cholesterol, according to previous research.

The reason lies in the amino acid contained in the fruit, which improves blood circulation, relaxes blood vessels. Scientists claim that regular consumption of water can reduce cholesterol levels by half.

This fruit even protects heart function because it can lower blood pressure, according to other studies.
