Blueberries And Strawberries Help Against A Number Of Diseases

Blueberries And Strawberries Help Against A Number Of Diseases
Blueberries And Strawberries Help Against A Number Of Diseases

In this one again we will pay attention to how nature can protect you and fight some chronic diseases. Small stone fruits such as blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and others are rich in phytonutrients that are strong in the fight against serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, ulcers, and even stabilize cholesterol levels.

It is important to eat these fruits raw, fresh, and not to look for alternatives, such as juice or other foods made from the fruit after processing. To get enough phytonutrients for your body, you need to eat the fruit fresh.

An extremely interesting fact about blueberries is that they are a very strong opponent of serious diseases. Blueberries contain very large amounts of phytochemicals and antioxidants in their composition, which actually give them the color or, in some types of fruit, the specific aroma or taste.

These phytonutrients for a very strong defender for optimal health of the human body, are even more effective than some drugs, without causing side effects.

Plants are natural pharmaceutical companies, but different from those built by humans, because plants provide the necessary healthy nutrients for our body, which fight various diseases without causing side effects, which lead to drugs.


Compared to many other fruits and vegetables, blueberries are the richest source of antioxidants and phytochemicals that help fight some of the most serious diseases such as cancer. Blueberries also contain many vitamins and minerals - calcium, magnesium and zinc.

Looking at the different types of small stone fruits, dark blueberries stand out the most. They contain a very high amount of flavonoids and are the strongest antioxidants.

They should be known to be very effective in fighting prostate cancer, urinary tract infections and cataracts. They also help by protecting the brain from damage caused by stroke or heart disease.


Cranberries are best known as a means of fighting urinary tract infections, but also as a means of preventing breast cancer and ulcers. They are also used to normalize cholesterol levels.

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and are a good antioxidant. They are also known as a means of combating heart disease and as a source for the supply of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body.

Raspberries are also rich in vitamins and minerals and help fight cancer. In general, all varieties of blueberries - red, purple, dark and others are sources of many useful ingredients and are a means of combating very serious diseases and infections.

That is why it is necessary to include a certain amount of these fruits in your daily menu. This makes it easier to achieve a healthy and strong body.

Remember that natural gifts always give us the necessary substances for our body, which make us healthier and stronger in the fight against various diseases.

To achieve optimal health of your body, you should consume not only blueberries, but also many of the other fruits and vegetables that nature has given us. We have to trust her completely.
