Autumn Dose Of Vitamins For The Body

Autumn Dose Of Vitamins For The Body
Autumn Dose Of Vitamins For The Body

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Although not a panacea, having the right balance of nutrients in your diet can help boost your immune function by minimizing the effects of autumn viruses.

Our immunity works as a finely balanced system to repel bacteria and viruses. Especially in these pandemic times, we need to make sure it's running at full speed.

So we go straight to the issue with what vitamins to load your body on the eve of autumnso that we can prepare our immunity for the upcoming virus attacks.

Vitamin D

Start with vitamin D. Just 15-20 minutes of exposure to the summer sun stimulates our body to produce enough vitamin D. for the whole day. The sun vitamin is known to play a role in maintaining normal immune function. Studies show that chronic low vitamin D status may be associated with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

Some vulnerable groups are advised to take a vitamin D supplement daily throughout the year. These include children under the age of 5, pregnant and lactating women, people aged 65 and over, and those who are attached at home or cover their skin for cultural reasons. These groups receive too little sunlight and have an increased need for vitamin D.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a must for fall
Vitamin C is a must for fall

You may be surprised that vitamin C does not prevent colds and flu, but it can still reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, protecting the body from diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Stock up on fresh citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons and other fruits such as kiwis, strawberries and blueberries for extra boost the immune system for the upcoming autumn and winter months. Green vegetables and potatoes also contain high levels of this vitamin.

Vitamin A

Another important one vitamin with which you need to stock your body on the eve of autumn, is vitamin A. In addition to supporting tissue repair and growth, it also helps strengthen the immune system and maintain good vision. Fortunately, it is easy to include in your diet, as the main food sources include milk, egg yolks, liver, fatty fish (herring, tuna and sardines), carrots, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, mangoes and apricots.


Iron is important in the fall
Iron is important in the fall

The iron is a key mineral for the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the body. Good iron intake is necessary for various reasons. Iron deficiency leads to anemia - the body is unable to transport oxygen, causing lethargy and lethargy. Women should also be careful to replace the iron lost during the menstrual cycle so as not to feel weak and tired.

The best source of this mineral can be found in red meat, although if you are a vegetarian, less content can be found in cereals, bread, flour, eggs, beans, lentils and dried fruits. It is recommended that iron be taken with vitamin C to help it be absorbed into the bloodstream.
