Foods That Are Useful In Inflammation Of The Joints

Foods That Are Useful In Inflammation Of The Joints
Foods That Are Useful In Inflammation Of The Joints

Inflammation of the joints it can be an extremely painful experience. The condition can occur in people of all ages. The most common cause of joint inflammation are the different types of arthritis.

Fortunately, there are many foods that can relieve inflammation and help relieve some of the joint pain.

look the best foods for joint inflammationwhich you should include in your menu daily if you want to relieve pain.

Oily fish

One of the most highly recommended foods that relieve pain from inflamed joints, are various oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines or trout. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Fish is also a good source of vitamin D. Numerous studies have found that rheumatoid arthritis and, accordingly, inflamed joints may be associated with low levels of the sun vitamin, as vitamin D is also known.


Foods that are useful in inflammation of the joints
Foods that are useful in inflammation of the joints

Another useful food against inflamed joints is garlic. This unique gift of nature has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis. In fact, some studies show that garlic can improve the function of some immune cells to help strengthen the entire immune system and protect you from many diseases.


In addition to adding a pleasant taste and aroma to teas, soups and pastries, ginger can also help relieving the symptoms of joint inflammation. A number of studies have shown that ginger extract reduces the levels of the specific inflammatory marker caused by arthritis. Consuming ginger in fresh, powdered or dried form, in addition to reducing inflammation, can protect you from colds and flu.


Walnuts are rich in nutrients and loaded with compounds that can help reduce inflammation associated with joint disease. Delicious nuts are especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. The high content of vitamins A and C also helps strengthen the immune system.

Leafy vegetables

Foods that are useful in inflammation of the joints
Foods that are useful in inflammation of the joints

Photo: User # 186638

Leafy vegetables like spinach are full of nutrients and some of their components can actually help reduce the inflammation caused by arthritis. Several studies have found that higher fruit and vegetable intake is associated with lower levels of inflammation. Spinach, in particular, contains many antioxidants as well as plant compounds that can relieve inflammation and help fight disease. Spinach has a particularly high content of the antioxidant kaempferol, which has been shown to reduce the effects of inflammatory agents associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
