Easter Fasts Have Begun - What Are The Rules

Easter Fasts Have Begun - What Are The Rules
Easter Fasts Have Begun - What Are The Rules

The Easter fasts, which will last until April 18 this year, have already begun. People who have decided to fast this year should follow a strict diet.

Easter fasts prohibit the consumption of

foods of animal origin, including banning not only meat but also dairy products and eggs.

Oil and fish are banned most of the time. Their consumption is allowed only on the Annunciation - March 25 and Palm Sunday, which this year is on April 5.

Allowed products are bread, pasta, fruits, vegetables, soy products, rice, cereals, Turkish delight, halva and honey.

Fasting is observed as a fight against sin, but in research many doctors have found that temporary rest from meat foods has a positive effect on the body.

According to church canons, fasting should be not only with food, but also with the spirit. During this period we need to be more humble and help our loved ones. We must not be angry, envious, or greedy, envious, or lustful.


The Easter fast is the strictest post observed during the year. It lasts exactly 40 days and always starts exactly 7 weeks before Easter.

It is because of the long period of abstinence that fasting begins gradually. After Meat Zagovezni, only meat is excluded from the menu, but for a week the consumption of dairy products and eggs is allowed until Sirni Zavovezni.

During the next period of fasting, only plant foods without any fat are consumed until Easter. On Good Friday, because the day is associated with the sufferings of Christ, nothing is eaten, only water is drunk.

It is extremely important to drink more water during fasting - about 2-3 liters a day. If you are hungry, inhale the aroma of spices such as cinnamon and cloves. It is said that this helps a lot to control bouts of hunger.

Easter fasting is the strictest in the Orthodox calendar. After him begins Peter's fast. The third fast is the Mother of God, which begins on August 1 and lasts until August 15. The last post is Christmas - from November 14 to December 24.
