Avoid Overeating With These Simple Tricks

Avoid Overeating With These Simple Tricks
Avoid Overeating With These Simple Tricks

The holidays are in full swing. We all know what that means - crowded tables, pleasant smells and lots and lots of food.

Relaxation on holidays logically leads to weight gain. Fortunately, there is salvation - seven tricks that will save you from overeating.

It is not bad to eat your favorite food, as long as everything is in moderation. Although we are used to eating on our stomachs on holidays, the magic of the holiday lies more in the time spent with loved ones. That's why here are some of the best tips and tricks on how to avoid overeating:

Do not sit at a table completely hungry. Eat something small and healthy before the holiday meals.

Smaller plate. If you have a large plate, your subconscious mind makes you fill it and eat it. Therefore, minimize damage with a smaller plate.

Quality over quantity. Instead of taking a lot from everything, bet on your favorite. At least you won't mix foods.

Avoid overeating with these simple tricks
Avoid overeating with these simple tricks

Limit alcohol. Not only is it high in calories, but it also increases appetite. Up to a glass or two is allowed, but no more. And be careful - at every opportunity, replace carbonated and sweetened juices with water.

Eat slowly. Enjoy the taste and atmosphere. Do not tread - until the stomach signals to the brain that it is full, 15-20 minutes pass. There is a high risk of overeating during this period.

Feelings of guilt. Stop blaming yourself - it's a holiday and you can afford something harmful. To avoid damage, simply balance your diet in the coming days.

Move slightly after dinner. A short walk, play with children or pets - every movement is health.
