Read These Tips To Avoid Overeating On Holidays

Read These Tips To Avoid Overeating On Holidays
Read These Tips To Avoid Overeating On Holidays

The crowded meals at Christmas and New Year predispose even people who strictly follow their diet to eat more. However, what should we do to avoid overeating, advises the fitness expert Lazar Radkov in front of Nova TV.

On holidays, try to eat salads regularly. It is difficult to avoid the traditional Christmas cakes and roast pork for the New Year, but if you were more moderate in the meals between them, you will not gain a lot of extra pounds, says Radkov.

Also try to have enough salads and snacks on the table. Often, when we sit at the festive table, for example at 19.00, we stay until 1-2 hours after midnight.

For this reason, we can eat more and even eat when we are not hungry. But salads and fruits do not harm the figure, on the contrary - the vitamins and minerals in them will be useful to you in the season of flu and colds.

Read these tips so you don't overeat on holidays
Read these tips so you don't overeat on holidays

No one says you should give up steak or delicious pastries, but you should not overdo it if you want to feel good after the holiday season.

Also try to drink more water. This, in addition to suppressing the false feeling of hunger, will be useful for you with more alcohol consumption around Christmas and New Year.

According to Lazar Radkov, for every 100 grams of alcoholic beverage you should drink half a liter of water. It is true that you will go to the toilet more often, but you will not harm your body.

In general, people who lead an active lifestyle do not have problems with festive eating. Therefore, try not to stay on the table and on the couch every weekend, but go for walks more often, the expert advises.
