Let's Make Dried Meat

Let's Make Dried Meat
Let's Make Dried Meat

Homework is homework, who wants to say anything. And home-dried meat is a delicacy that cannot be replaced by any other purchased appetizer. As long as you do it right, of course. This is how:

Homemade fillet

Necessary products:

Pork or beef fish, fillets; 1 kg. sea salt; garlic; black pepper, paprika, savory, oregano (optional); 20-50 ml. vinegar; water (enough to cover the meat)

Elena's thigh
Elena's thigh

Method of preparation:

The fish, the fillet, is well cleaned of grease and aligned. Put in a bowl and add plenty of salt. Leave for 24 hours. Then they are washed and put for an hour and a half in water with vinegar, which should cover the meat. When they stay, they are washed and placed in a ventilated place. After an hour, spread generously with crushed garlic in advance.

Mix black pepper, paprika and savory (and other spices if you like) in a bag (the ratio is to taste) and mix well. Then they are poured on a newspaper and the pieces of meat are rolled in the spices, then shaken to make the unnecessary fall. A hole is made in the fillet and a string is passed through it. Hang in a ventilated and safe (from cats and other animals) place.

After 1-2 weeks they are ready (depending on how soft you like them). Once removed, they are placed in bags and stored in the freezer. Remove from the freezer 15-20 minutes before consumption.

Another option:

The fish stay in sea salt for 24 hours, after which they are cleaned - it is best to wash. Then boil in boiling water for 2-3-4 minutes (until the meat turns white) and remove. Allow to drain a bit and roll with spices to taste (savory, red and black pepper, cumin). When the spices cover the meat completely, wrap them in paper and put them in the refrigerator to dry. The advantage of this method is that they become ready to eat faster, especially if they are cut into narrower pieces.


If you do not want to use spices, the recipe for you is:

Necessary products:

Beef from weaker animals is used.

Method of preparation:

The beef carcass is cut into larger pieces, which are boiled in salt water until semi-soft. Remove, allow to drain, place in trays and dry 2-3 times in a weaker oven until completely dry.

The dried meat is stored in a dry place in cloth bags. Before cooking, soak in water. No salt is added to the dishes prepared with it.
