Does The Spice Hurt The Liver

Does The Spice Hurt The Liver
Does The Spice Hurt The Liver

The liver is the largest gland in the human body, which has the ability to regenerate when damaged. It performs many important functions, including supporting the absorption of fats and nutrients, energy production, regulation of thyroid hormones and detoxification of the body. It has been shown that certain foods, vitamins and supplements can be helpful in strengthening the liver.

According to Canadian scientists working in the field of natural nutrition, spicy foods help detoxify and cleanse the liver. Slightly spicy foods such as beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, ginger, horseradish, mustard, onions, turnips are quite suitable for this purpose.

Spicy spices and herbs, such as basil, bay leaf, black pepper, cumin, dill, oregano and rosemary, have a similar effect.

We all know that hot peppers contain vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and acts as a scavenger of free radicals, helping to heal the liver.

Vitamin C also stimulates the production of substances in the bile, which in turn helps it in the process of fat absorption. If the liver is damaged, then the recommended daily dose of vitamin C is from 3000 to 10,000 milligrams per day, ie. spicy is a very useful alternative.

Spring is the best time to do a quick liver cleanse. It can be the busiest of all the organs that suffer from the ingestion of too much fat and chemicals, and as we all know this happens right in the winter.

When there is stagnation of energy in the liver, the energy flow throughout the body is affected, leading to many emotional and physical problems.

To stimulate the flow of energy in it, it is recommended to eat spicy and spicy foods, which are quite suitable for this.
