The Secrets Of Proper Nutrition

The Secrets Of Proper Nutrition
The Secrets Of Proper Nutrition

Many diseases attack us because of harmful food and improper diet. Because of the dynamic life we lead, we rarely have time to eat normally.

However, this is completely wrong and you should try to make every effort to provide your body with complete quality food.

By eating right, you protect yourself from many diseases. If you reduce fizzy drinks and hot spices, you will forget about the problems with acids.

The beauty of the skin also depends on the diet. Learn to combine fats, proteins and carbohydrates correctly - it also depends on how you work.

The secrets of proper nutrition
The secrets of proper nutrition

If you do mental work, protein should be about one hundred and five grams per day, fat - eighty grams per day, and carbohydrates - more than three hundred grams per day.

If you are hungry, you should have a piece of chocolate on hand. Do not resort to artificial stimulants when you have a lack of energy, recharge with fruit vitamins.

People whose work involves physical labor should consume one hundred and twenty grams of protein a day, eighty-five grams of fat and four hundred grams of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates supply our body with energy, but you must be careful and choose slow carbohydrates - that is, to prefer whole grain to white bread.

If you feel you want to eat something sweet, eat a little natural chocolate. It will charge you with enough energy without affecting your figure.

Do not exclude fats from your diet, but prefer those that are healthy, avoid animal fats. Emphasize the protein in chicken and turkey. Without protein, your skin, hair and nails will suffer.
