Manuka Honey - The Australian Miracle

Manuka Honey - The Australian Miracle
Manuka Honey - The Australian Miracle

Not one or two articles are devoted to the beneficial properties of honey. It is an indispensable part of our menu. Its beneficial effect is due to its constituent vitamins from groups A, B, C, K, E, enzymes lipase and invertase, organic acids and many other chemical elements. It is very well absorbed by the body, and its regular intake does not irritate the stomach. It has a strong antiseptic effect. But are all types of honey equally useful?

Scientists from the Technical University of Sydney, Australia answer this question. According to microbiologist Prof. Elizabeth Harry, there is a type of honey whose properties are many times superior to those of all others.


Manuka honey has the most pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which scientists attribute to its content of hydrogen peroxide and its higher levels of a specific chemical called methyl-gluxal or MGO.

"Not all types of honey are the same, and not all types of honey from Manuka are the same," says Professor Harry, adding: "It is very important to use natural bee products with a minimum of chemical treatment."

Prof. Elizabeth Harry's team tested the antibacterial properties of different types of honey against four of the most common types of bacteria found in open wounds. Experts have used manuka honey (Leptospermum scoparium) or tea tree, canoe (Kunzea ericoides), also known as white tea tree and clover honey.

Clover honey does not contain hydrogen peroxide and MGO, while honey from kanuka and manuka contains both compounds, and their content in that from manuka is higher. Experiments have shown that Manuka honey was the most effective in limiting the development of bacterial infections.

Additional studies have shown that bacteria do not build resistance to this honey, unlike their resistance to antibiotics.

Australian honey
Australian honey

"Anything that is not an antibiotic but can be used effectively to fight infections is welcome," said Dr. John Tamidge, a specialist in antibiotic resistance at Children's Hospital in Adelaide, Australia. the application of such products to become more widespread.

It is not yet fully understood what exactly is due to the unique healing properties of honey from Manuka. And while some scientists are embarking on a detailed study of the tea tree and the possibility of its use in the manufacture of medicines, other scientists believe that the secret lies in bees.

According to them, bees, in the process of honey production, concentrate and change the chemicals of the plants, thus contributing to the antibiotic properties of honey.
