Advantages Of Rapeseed Honey

Advantages Of Rapeseed Honey
Advantages Of Rapeseed Honey

Rapeseed is an oil-bearing plant whose pollen is very popular with bees. Usually, if sown in the autumn of the previous year, in May of the current bees begin to collect pollen and rapeseed nectar. Today, most of this honey is produced in Europe and the United Kingdom. England sells over 113 million pounds or 3 million jars of honey a year.

Rapeseed honey crystallizes quickly because it has a high water content - nearly 18% of its composition. For this reason, once the bees have obtained it, it must be removed from the hives within a week. It also contains glucose (nearly 51%), which supports mental activity, and dissolved in milk, relieves sore throat.

The color of rapeseed honey is quite white, and the aroma is similar to that of cabbage, and the taste is much more pleasant. It is preferred by many people and due to the fact that it is not very sweet, it has low acidity and high pH.

Consumption of rapeseed honey is very useful for human health. It is believed to cure kidney diseases as well as those related to vision. This honey also contains the element Q3, which is very important for bone development. For this reason, it is also used to treat osteoporosis.

The benefits of rapeseed honey don't stop there. It supports the regeneration and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Eating it is also good for the liver, spleen and pancreas.


Once taken, it is very quickly absorbed by the intestinal mucosa and has the ability to remove heavy metals from the body. Also, regular intake of rapeseed honey reduces the levels of bad LDL cholesterol.

And the richness of vitamin E in this natural product is essential to slow down the aging of the skin, which looks vibrant and healthy as a result of consuming rapeseed honey. It also contains vitamin A, which is a strong immunostimulant, useful for eyesight, skin and bones.

In the 21st century, more than three hundred different varieties of honey are known, each collected from different sources around the world. Many beekeepers call rapeseed honey live honey because of its many healing properties. Suitable for consumption by children because it does not cause allergies.
