Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fast Food Chains

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fast Food Chains
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fast Food Chains

More than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants and more than 8,000 KFCs in 80 countries are working to promote fast food. For a person who works late and is busy, there is nothing better than ready-made food. Those who oppose fast food point to the health problems associated with it. Despite the debate over the advantages and disadvantages of these foods, the industry is thriving. Is the food from the fast food chains good or bad?

Benefits of fast food chains

The most obvious advantage of this type of food is that they save time. In today's fast-paced lifestyle, there is nothing better than serving a ready-made meal. No matter how much the chefs praise the benefits of fresh food, at the end of a hard day's work, when we come home tired and hungry, the pizza or burger comes as sent by the Lord.

In addition to the time it takes to cook something, we also have a walk to the store to buy the ingredients we need. Add time and effort to washing and peeling vegetables.

In addition to time, saving money is also important. If a person lives alone, it is cheaper to buy ready-made food from the store than to prepare it yourself. Some foods like french fries and burgers really come out a lot cheaper.

Food from fast food chains raises troubling questions about our health. However, if you are careful, you can find and choose healthier options in the menus of these restaurants. Salads are a good choice, and when ordering bakery products, ask for them to be made from wholemeal bread. Order lean, not fatty meat and ask for fruit juices, low-calorie milk and diet soda instead of fizzy drinks. And what better than a glass of water to quench thirst?

Disadvantages of food from fast food chains

fast food
fast food

The biggest disadvantage of food from fast food chains is the harmful effect they have on our health. It is a well-known fact that ready-to-eat foods are more harmful than home-cooked ones because they are high in salt, fat and calories. Fast food chains are a major contributor to overweight in the US population.

This is especially true for children. Given the sedentary lifestyle we lead, the excessive amount of fat and calories we eat with these foods are not fully utilized. The result is that they accumulate in our body as fat deposits, which lead to such disorders as cardiovascular disease.

With weight gain come other problems such as high blood pressure and joint disease. A recent study found that people living near fast food restaurants had a 13% increased risk of heart attack compared to those living at a distance.

The larger the number of people in these establishments, the larger their bills. Eating in outlet chains is economical for only one person. If you visit such establishments once a week, nothing will happen, but frequent visits are certainly not recommended.

It is believed that eating in fast food chains leads to spending less time with the family. The coziness of home-cooked meals and the time when the whole family is lined up around the table are missing.

Fast food chains are an invention of modern times. Ready-made food, which is only reheated and served quickly, is like a flash after a hard day's work. Like everything else, however, this has both pros and cons.

Enumerating some of the benefits of fast food does not mean that we deny its harm. Making good choices when ordering these foods and combining them with an active lifestyle can certainly minimize the harmful health effects.
