When Are Apples Picked?

When Are Apples Picked?
When Are Apples Picked?

Apples are one of the most delicious and healthy fruits. Different varieties, colors and flavors. The apple is probably the most common fruit, regardless of the season. It can be part of both desserts and salads. Let's find out a little more about the most easily accessible fruit and of course the most important - when apples are picked!

Apples are picked in the fall and of course, this process is more complicated than it seems. There are quite a few subtleties that you need to know about harvesting applesand for the subsequent storage of this delicious fruit.

Let us mention that according to the season in which they ripen, these fruits are divided into 3 groups: winter varieties of apples (which ripen in September-October), summer (ripen in June-July), autumn (ripen in August-September).

There are about 10,000 varieties of apples on Earth, 26 are established in our country. You will find that it is ripe and ready to be harvested as soon as it detaches itself from the tree. All you have to do is turn the handle slightly and it should come off. It is important that the apple is picked at the right time - neither earlier nor later.

The deep and wide cup-shaped part, as well as the brown seeds are also an indicator of its readiness to fall into your hands.

We said that these fruits are picked in the fall, which makes them quite expensive in the winter, but if you know how to store them for a longer time, buying them will not affect your budget. This is true if you don't have an apple tree at home, of course.

You can store apples in cartons or crates covered with sawdust or corrugated paper. It is important to place them in a dark place with high humidity such as the basement.


Keep only healthy apples and eat those that do not have a stalk first, as they can spoil faster. It is advisable to inspect your stocks and, if there are any that are about to spoil, dispose of them.

Apples are a source of vitamins and nutrients that contribute to the well-being of the whole body. You can eat as much as you want to feel full of energy, good mood and strength!
