When Mushrooms Are Picked

When Mushrooms Are Picked
When Mushrooms Are Picked

How easy it would be for everyone to collect their own food. As far as mushrooms are concerned, however, such an experience is rather dangerous if one is not fundamentally familiar with the nature of the variety sought.

In Bulgaria there are over 200 species of edible mushrooms, but usually no more than thirty of them are collected. Various species of mushrooms, champignons, roe deer, buttercups and pigeons, as well as red squirrel, bride, violet and crow's foot have been present on our table for thousands of years.

Picking mushrooms is possible all year round. Even during the winter season, a flat log can be found on the stumps of deciduous trees if the weather is milder. However, the most favorable months for picking remain the summer, as well as the wet autumn. At this time the delicacies and duck leg are picked.

Mushroom picking
Mushroom picking

The truth is that with the coming of spring comes the first joys for every revealed mushroom. If you are a novice mushroom picker, it is best to target mushrooms with clearer identification marks and no poisonous counterparts. Here are the most famous species and when they are picked:

May mushroom - It can be found on the outskirts of deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, meadows and pastures from late April to late June. When young it is hemispherical, and in its developed state it is almost flat, up to 10 cm in diameter, whitish in color, ocher to creamy, with dry and velvety skin.

Chelyadinka - Harvested along roadsides, on the edges of forests, in grassy gardens, meadows, plains, very often en masse and in large localities in May-June. Small and whitish, with a thin stump.


Porcini - It appears among the old deciduous forests, as well as in some coniferous ones, in May and is harvested until a late essay. There is a clearly visible network of protruding whitish veins on the surface of its stump. However, if they are red, then this is the poisonous species of manatarak - the devil's.

Spruce - Pointed or round, it appears in early spring, in alkaline and clay soils, on old fires, lighted meadows, under bushes, on mowed meadows, willows. It can be found under fallen leaves. It has a dark yellow color with a grainy structure.

Field mushroom - If the mushroom season starts in May-June, it can be found immediately near old manures, in the broods of the herds and on the pastures, around the places where cattle camp in the summer. It looks like a white ball, smaller than a walnut, and over time it becomes spherical.


Maslovka - Grows on soil in coniferous forests from late spring to late autumn. It is hemispherical and can be colored in all shades of brown.

Ryzhika - Growing again on the soil of coniferous and mixed forests, this fungus can be found from early summer to late autumn. It is orange-red to tile-red with darker, often greenish concentrically arranged annular stripes.

Picking mushrooms is a process that requires deep knowledge and a dose of uncertainty. And the slightest doubt should be a cause for concern. Good advice is not to pick mushrooms that are unknown.

Their collection must be done with a knife. They are cut at the base of the stumps, because there is the mycelium, which forms new fruiting bodies. The already collected ones are collected in suitable containers with hard walls, such as baskets, so that they are not pressed tightly and crushed.

If you collect different types of mushrooms, put them in different containers. If a poisonous mushroom is found, all others who have been in contact with it in court must be discarded.
