Healthy Diet Snacks

Healthy Diet Snacks
Healthy Diet Snacks

As has been said many times, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After a long period without food, blood sugar levels begin to fall. Skipping breakfast can make our body crave something sweet, and in the end we will invariably eat some chocolate, which we will later regret.

That is why the most important step we need to take is to build eating habits. We must eliminate all the factors that for one reason or another prevent us from enjoying a healthy and dietary breakfast that will give the desired start to our day.

When you start your day with breakfast you are less at risk of overeating later in the day. However, skip the donuts, in favor of snacks that contain protein and fiber. They are absorbed more slowly, so you will remain both satisfied and healthy.

Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels as it makes it difficult to fully absorb some of the fat.

Another valuable quality of fiber is that it binds to carcinogenic and heavy metals in the body and discards them. They are broken down more slowly in the body and release energy for a longer time than other foods. This means that fiber maintains a feeling of satiety for longer, which protects us from premature starvation.


We offer you several options for a healthy breakfast with fiber:

1. Fruit salad - a refreshing fruit breakfast will give you energy for the day ahead and is a great opportunity to get fiber.

Medium-sized apple and pear combined contain 4 g of fiber. Adding to them a few slices of orange and a glass of chopped strawberries gives us a salad that contains 11 grams of fiber.

2. Fruits such as raspberries and blackberries are extremely high in fiber. Combine them with cereals, as they are not as rich in fiber.

3. If you are still not a fan of berries, eat an apple. Sliced apple baked with honey and cinnamon is spread on a slice of wholemeal toast.

4. Vegetables are an indisputable source of dietary fiber. Add finely chopped onions, peppers, broccoli or mushrooms to the egg whites cooked in the pan.

Change your diet by starting the day with snacks that contain fiber. Fiber does not contain calories and invariably helps to lose weight.

A number of studies show that people who consume fiber are healthier and can control their weight more easily.
