Replace Kupeshki Salads With These Healthy Snacks

Replace Kupeshki Salads With These Healthy Snacks
Replace Kupeshki Salads With These Healthy Snacks

We usually eat saltines in an effort to satisfy hunger. We consider them harmless regardless of the amount we consume. This, unfortunately, is not the case. First of all, saltines belong to the group of foods rich in so-called empty calories. In other words - we fill up from them without supplying our body with healthy substances.

Kupeshki saltines are also harmful due to their extremely high salt content. We already know that it leads to high blood pressure and a number of other health problems. Even more dangerous is the fact that the salts contain sugars, which lead to addiction to them and an irresistible desire to consume them.

It is no secret that packaged foods of this type contain a number of other harmful substances: preservatives, flavor enhancers, colors. Frequent consumption can raise cholesterol to very dangerous levels, experts warn. The reason is the excessive presence of trans fats in this type of food.

Against the background of all these negatives, we offer you two quick, easy and at the same time extremely healthy recipes, which are an alternative to the Kupesh saltines, which you can see above in the gallery. Don't let the presence of lard in the first one shock you - the amount is small, and this type of fat does much less harm to the body than margarine.

The second recipe is for einkorn snacks, which can be included in a vegan or vegetarian diet, and which you will literally fall in love with.
