Easy Diet With Apples Loses 3 Kg In 5 Days

Easy Diet With Apples Loses 3 Kg In 5 Days
Easy Diet With Apples Loses 3 Kg In 5 Days

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Apples are among the most useful and affordable foods. They improve digestion, reduce bad cholesterol, take care of the heart, oral cavity, skin.

Apples are actively present in many diets, and some of the diets are quite strict. For example, there are diets that allow only apples to be eaten, but they are quite exhausting because the feeling of hunger is very strong.

Apples are also present in the cereal regime of Peter Deunov. It is a good way to purify, but it is also a course that not everyone can take.

Instead, today we will offer you a very simple and equally useful diet with apples, which will allow you to lose 3 kg in five days.

With it you need to limit yourself only to apples. You can include other products in your diet without harming your figure. Here is the menu for the apple diet. Follow it for 5 days and you will be satisfied with the results.


Combine 1 apple with one of the following foods: 100 g cottage cheese, 100 g boiled wheat, 100 g boiled rice, 2 boiled eggs.

Easy diet with apples loses 3 kg in 5 days
Easy diet with apples loses 3 kg in 5 days


300 g salad of grated apples, carrots and turnips (beets), seasoned with 1 tbsp. honey.


150 g baked apples with cinnamon.


100 g roasted fish, 1 handful of cabbage salad, 1 apple.
