Milk Diet Loses 3 Kg In 3 Days

Milk Diet Loses 3 Kg In 3 Days
Milk Diet Loses 3 Kg In 3 Days

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An easy-to-follow diet can help you lose 3 kilograms in just 3 days, and before that period you get prettier, because the diet supplies vitamins and minerals to the body.

The diet emphasizes the consumption of dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

The diet is based on B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, manganese and enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

The three-day diet helps to normalize the work of the colon and has a positive effect on inflammatory processes in the body.

Dairy products
Dairy products

In addition, after the diet you will look more beautiful, as vitamins and minerals make the complexion fresher and hair and nails healthier.

Breakfast and afternoon breakfast in the unloading plan is the same for all three days.

Every day at breakfast you should eat a slice of black bread spread with 20 grams of butter and 20 grams of unsalted cheese.

Before and after breakfast you must eat 150 grams of yogurt. Every day you should drink 2 liters of fluids - including water, teas and coffee without sugar.

Dairy products that you will consume during the diet should be low-fat or non-fat.


First day

Lunch: Baked potatoes with baked cheese and a glass of kefir.

Dinner: Salad made from 1 cup of yogurt, 1 carrot, 1 apple, 2-3 walnuts, 1 tablespoon olive oil, parsley and salt.

Second day

Lunch: Green salad with chicken leg and a glass of kefir.

Dinner: Baked fish with carrot and cabbage salad.

Third day

Lunch: Omelet made from 2 eggs, 1 tomato, half an onion and 1 cup of yogurt.

Dinner: Salad made of 3 potatoes, fresh onions and a bucket of yogurt.

After the diet you will feel much better, because your body will have acquired the necessary amino acids to build new tissues, muscles and cells.
