Be Careful! Stale Pasta Is Dangerous

Be Careful! Stale Pasta Is Dangerous
Be Careful! Stale Pasta Is Dangerous

No one denies the benefits of freshly prepared food. It tastes best because it contains ingredients that were quite fresh in use. When refrigerated, food loses much of its flavor and sometimes its nutrients. Therefore, it is best to consume only food prepared during the day.

In today's busy day, however, it is difficult to meet this condition, as people spend most of their time away from home and gather only for dinner. Often the food stays and is consumed not only the next day, but also later.

In some households, food is prepared on weekends for the whole week and stored in the refrigerator. This is wrong not only because of the different tastes of the food, but also because of the dangers it poses stale food.

It turns out that cooked products like Pasta and rice are not only degraded in taste, but can be dangerous to health. This is stated by nutritionists from the National University of Australia.

A bacterium with the Latin name Bacillus cereus can grow in these products. It is characteristic of soils, animals, insects and dust, but can also be found in human food under certain circumstances.

The bacterium uses foods such as rice, dairy products, spices, dried foods and vegetables to multiply. It has both positive effects as a probiotic and harmful sides.

Be careful! Stale pasta is dangerous
Be careful! Stale pasta is dangerous

When food is stored incorrectly, the negative qualities of the bacterium appear. It can damage the liver and even lead to death. Such a development took place in an Italian family, where 5 children were poisoned with pasta salad, which stayed for 4 days in the refrigerator. For one of the children, the poisoning turned out to be fatal. In Belgium, there was also an accident 8 years ago with a student who was eating spaghetti made 5 days ago.

The advice of food poisoning experts is to consume only food prepared on the day or at the latest from the previous day. Especially when it comes to pasta and rice. The stale pasta it is best to avoid.
