Is Stale Cooked Food Dangerous?

Is Stale Cooked Food Dangerous?
Is Stale Cooked Food Dangerous?

The finished dish can stand on the stove or in the oven no more than an hour and a half after cooking. If the food is taken out of the refrigerator, then when heating soups and stews they should boil, and the thick pots should be heated for about ten minutes in the oven or three minutes in the microwave.

Sometimes overheating yesterday's food can cause food poisoning or infection because it was not overheated well and the bacteria that managed to grow overnight were not killed.

It is good to store ready meals in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours, and to warm them well before consumption. This is especially important if the dish is given to a child.

Reheating of dishes
Reheating of dishes

According to the principles of people who want to live to be a hundred years old, everyone should prepare as much food as they can eat at one time. Therefore, if you eat twice a day, you should cook twice.

We are used to thinking of a food spoiled only when we see mold on it. But some molds, such as aflatoxins, which are very harmful to health, grow very quickly because they need oxygen and penetrate deep into the products.

Moldy products
Moldy products

They have no taste or smell, but they are very dangerous. The least they can do to you is a sharp weakening of the immune system.

It is an absolute mistake to prepare a huge pot of soup to eat all week. Although it stays in the refrigerator, germs grow in it.

You won't get serious damage from a plate of overheated yesterday's soup, but little by little your stomach and intestines will be damaged by it.

If you eat overheated food, your cells do not receive the necessary substances from food and recover much harder and slower.

It is best to eat dishes that have just been prepared. This is especially true for dishes made from meat and eggs.
