At What Temperature To Store The Products In The Refrigerator

At What Temperature To Store The Products In The Refrigerator
At What Temperature To Store The Products In The Refrigerator

You probably know how food canning works and what the purpose of the refrigerator is to slow down the growth of bacteria. The purpose of the freezer is to completely stop the growth of bacteria by freezing.

We would probably freeze everything if we could, but some foods change drastically when we freeze them - lettuce, strawberries, milk and eggs, and these are just a few of the products that do not freeze. It would also be inconvenient to defrost liquids every time we want to drink something.

Therefore, if you want your refrigerator to be cold, but not so cold as to freeze things or overcool them, you need to maintain a certain temperature in it.

The preferred temperature is somewhere between 1.7 and -3.3 degrees Celsius. Any temperature higher than this range will cause food to spoil too quickly (it is also a problem with eating disorders). Something else, the lower temperature will freeze and become a problem again.

Family cooks
Family cooks

According to the US Food and Drug Administration and the Food Inspection Service, the refrigerator should maintain a temperature of up to and around 4 degrees or lower, and this is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

Microorganisms grow faster at higher temperatures, a study shows. Maintaining a constant temperature in the refrigerator of about 4 degrees or lower helps the slow growth of these harmful microbes.

Always store all products or dishes in the refrigerator as soon as you return from the store or cook. Never allow raw meat, poultry, eggs, cooked food, or sliced fresh fruits and vegetables to stand at room temperature for more than two hours before placing them in the refrigerator or freezer. This increases the risk of developing bacteria.

Use a refrigerator thermometer to be sure of the constant temperature in it. Always marinate food in the refrigerator or pack it in airtight containers.

Never defrost food at room temperature. Thaw food in the refrigerator. If you are going to cook the food immediately, for quick defrosting, defrost in the microwave or place the food in an airtight container and immerse in cold water.
