Triticale - A Useful GMO Cereal

Triticale - A Useful GMO Cereal
Triticale - A Useful GMO Cereal

Triticale is a man-made cereal crop by crossing wheat and rye. Historically, the English botanist Wilson was the first to cross in 1875, but the plants he obtained turned out to be sterile. Fertile plants were first obtained by the German breeder Rimpau in 1888.

Modern triticale varieties, compared to other cereals, are characterized by high productive opportunities for grain production. One of the most important qualities in the cultivation of the crop is its high resistance to disease, acidity and drought. In addition, the high complex resistance to diseases, pests and adverse conditions make triticale suitable for organic farming.

However, in Bulgaria there is distrust of the culture on the part of producers due to its insufficient knowledge.

Triticale grain is mainly used for the production of concentrated feed, but its nutritional characteristics are not limited to this.

In primary triticale plants, the grain was shredded and contained more protein than in other cereals. In modern varieties, which are characterized by unpaired but full grain, the protein content is close to that of wheat, but with a higher content of the amino acid lysine, which is the main limiting and essential amino acid used to determine the nutritional value of proteins. in the grain of cereals.


This high content of lysine makes triticale a source of feed for animals with improved biological value of the protein. This makes the plant a valuable cereal crop because the food that animals eat determines the biological value of the meat that we humans eat.

In addition, the green mass of triticale is more valuable than that of wheat and rye. This is because it contains more digestible protein, and the flour prepared from it is richer in carotenoids and minerals, which are important for the diet of animals.

But the nutritional qualities of the triticale plant are not limited to animal feed. Although the amount of protein in the grain of the plant is high, the gluten content in it is less than in wheat, and is of different quality. This makes possible the participation of triticale in flour as a mixture with wheat.


With this type of flour mixture, a very good quality diet bread is obtained. In addition, the resulting triticale bread has a higher volume and higher lysine content, which is invaluable, as we look at it, and also contains fewer carbohydrates than bread made from pure wheat flour..

This imposes a different view on this cereal and implies a change in our attitude and understanding of it.

In recent years, the yields and production of triticale worldwide are increasing, and the largest producer at the moment is Poland.
