Pizza Instead Of Cereal In The Morning! It Is More Useful

Pizza Instead Of Cereal In The Morning! It Is More Useful
Pizza Instead Of Cereal In The Morning! It Is More Useful

Everyone today knows that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. It provides the necessary energy, as well as the nutrients needed for metabolism, mental and physical processes. Breakfast should be complete to clear the memory, sharpen attention, increase concentration and thus increase the efficiency of our work process.

To be energetic and able to work throughout the day, it is important when and what we eat. The truth is that most people do not eat breakfast for various reasons. Some believe that this is an important part of their diet for weight loss. Others do not allocate their time well in the morning and fail to set aside a few minutes for breakfast. There are also people who just do not know what is good to eat in the morning and miss this meal.

And what it really is the good choice of breakfast, is another issue that is not yet fully clarified and is changing.


Until recently, cereals were considered a healthy breakfast. The bowl cereal with skim milk was the standard of a good and properly selected morning menu. Now this notion is shaky.

A nutrition expert from New York surprised his compatriots. She explains that if people decide to have breakfast with a slice of pizza, which was considered a bad choice for food in the morning, will eat more useful than if they rely on the established practice of starting the day with cereals.

This is a really tempting idea not only for Americans, but for most people around the world, because pizza is one of the foods with the most fans in the world. And now it turns out that maybe the favorite pasta temptation is the better one start for the day from the not-so-popular breakfast cereal.

What are the arguments of the American nutritionist for this statement?

Pizza for breakfast
Pizza for breakfast

according to her pizza provides a more balanced diet than cereals that are full of sugar. In a slice of pizza with cheese, which is preferred by most lovers of the Italian pasta miracle, carbohydrates, fats and proteins are in balance. In the breakfast cereal with milk, carbohydrates are above any norm.

Is it advisable to have breakfast regularly with pizza?

The everyday start the day with pizza not a good option. The focus should be on balancing carbohydrates, fiber, lean protein and healthy fats. This is a satisfying breakfast for any type of activity.
