Things You Will Hear From Opponents Of Coffee

Things You Will Hear From Opponents Of Coffee
Things You Will Hear From Opponents Of Coffee

It has long been debated whether coffee is useful or not, and many studies have been conducted in this direction. Both its benefits and the negative consequences that its consumption can lead to have been proven. Here we will not enter into the role of a judge, determining how useful it is or not, but we will reveal to you some of those of his opponents that you can hear.

1. Does this happen after drinking your morning cup of coffee?

It is known that coffee makes you feel refreshed and start with a good start at the beginning of your working day. But soon it has the exact opposite effect and begins to make you lazy and lazy. You fall asleep and feel incompetent.

2. Coffee is addictive

This follows from the above statement. In order not to fall asleep, you pour yourself another cup of coffee, and after its action passes, continue with the third and fourth. What else is this unless addictive that can even be compared to smoking! (Again, this is not our opinion, but what you would hear from opponents of coffee).

Opponents of coffee
Opponents of coffee

3. Gynecologists do not recommend coffee to pregnant women

Well, because it's harmful! Usually only decaffeinated coffee is allowed, and if you remove caffeine from coffee, why should you consume it at all?

4. Coffee leads to dehydration

Coffee has diuretic properties and will lead to dehydration of your body. And all experts believe that good hydration means health. Do you have to pour water after each cup of coffee?

5. Coffee leads to cardiovascular disease

Well, yes, when you drink yours Cup of coffee, you immediately feel a surge of energy. But this has a negative effect on your nervous system and therefore carries an increased risk of cardiovascular disease!

6. Coffee with cream = filling

Coffee with cream
Coffee with cream

Coffee is coffee, but once you add cream, sugar, honey or milk to it, which many people make, you will inevitably get a lot of extra calories from your body.
