Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With An Increase In Cesarean Births

Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With An Increase In Cesarean Births
Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With An Increase In Cesarean Births

A study shows that women who are deficient in vitamin D are more likely to give birth by cesarean section. The results are from a large study that monitored the level of vitamin D in women giving birth for 72 hours. None of the women in the study had previously given birth by caesarean section, and 17% of them gave birth by cesarean section during the follow-up. The researchers found that 36% of mothers have a deficiency of vitamin D, and in 23% this deficiency is very large. The results show that a woman with low levels of vitamin D is four times more likely to give birth by cesarean section than a woman with higher levels.

Ann Myrood, an assistant professor at Boston University and co-author of the study, says the theory behind these results shows a link between vitamin D deficiency and muscle weakness. The uterus, which is made up of muscles, may lose some of its strength if a woman has significantly lower levels of vitamin D. If a woman's muscles are weak due to a lack of vitamin D, this can interfere with natural childbirth.

But Myrood added, "It's just a theory at this point. The reasons are definitely not yet established."

Daniel Hirsch, an assistant professor of pediatrics, adds that more research is needed and it is too early to say for sure whether the data show that pregnant women should take vitamin D as a supplement.

However, the study reveals that a very large percentage of women are severely deficient in vitamin D. Women are generally more likely to have such a deficiency. Those with darker skin or in more northern climates are at increased risk.

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increase in cesarean births
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increase in cesarean births

Given the link between cesarean section with respiratory problems and longer hospitalizations of newborns, the natural prevention of cesarean sections is very important. Taking vitamin D during pregnancy can be very helpful.

It is not difficult to increase the natural intake of vitamin D. The body actually only produces it from sunlight, so staying a few minutes (not hours) a day in the sun is very useful. Eggs and tuna are also among the good natural sources of this vitamin, although consumption of tuna should be limited during pregnancy due to the risk of high mercury content. You can also drink milk that is enriched with vitamin D.

If you are pregnant and think you may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency, it is a good idea to discuss this with your doctor. A blood test can easily determine if there is such a failure. If such a deficiency exists, a few simple lifestyle changes can ensure optimal health for you and your baby.
