How To Blanch Rice

How To Blanch Rice
How To Blanch Rice

Blanching is one of the main cooking techniques. It is a process in which the blanched product - vegetables or meat - is immersed in boiling water for a few minutes. Vegetables that are to be deep-frozen in the freezer are most often blanched. This technique allows the vegetable to retain its flavor, nutritional composition and color for a longer time.

Rice is one of the main crops for humans. About 2/5 of the world's people live thanks to it, most of them in Asia.

The cooking time of rice is shortened by industrial blanching of the grains in boiling water and drying. This preserves its original taste properties.

Blanching is usually done before the bran is removed from the seeds. Thus, during the processing process, the vitamins from the outer layer pass into the grains. The rice is then polished, ie. the outer layer is removed. In this way, blanched white rice largely retains its health qualities and is close to brown rice. The process can also take place at home.

For blanching of rice a deep pot with a larger capacity is needed. It is filled with water and brought to a boil. When the water boils the most, it is the best time to blanch. The rice grains are washed well and placed in water for no more than 3-5 minutes.

If you stay for a long time in boiling water, from blanching the process will turn into boiling. Therefore, the rice grains are removed no later than 5 minutes after placing them inside. Then pour cold water. This is mandatory, otherwise the process will not be completed.

Blanched rice
Blanched rice

Blanched rice is placed in sachets, which are stored in the freezer. Once thawed, they cannot be re-frozen. Keep in mind that blanched products do not need to be thawed at room temperature. They are removed from the freezer and placed directly in boiling water or in a greased pan.

With blanched rice you can prepare delicious pork with rice, rice with vegetables, zucchini with rice and even rice meatballs.
