Dr. Budwig's Anti-cancer Diet Works Wonders For The Body

Dr. Budwig's Anti-cancer Diet Works Wonders For The Body
Dr. Budwig's Anti-cancer Diet Works Wonders For The Body

Few people know that most cancers develop slowly. Dr. Budwig says her protocol restores most people's health in three months. There has been a case when a person manages to eliminate the disease in 3 weeks.

Doctors always recommend chemotherapy, but think and know that cancer kills slowly and chemotherapy kills quickly. If you have such a severe problem, try this easy and affordable remedy from linseed oil and cottage cheese. The protocol includes proper diet. For people who eat unhealthily, this is a radical change in lifestyle.

It is not allowed to eat refined sugar and animal proteins, except for young cheese or cottage cheese. When a person suffers from the most terrible disease, his ability to absorb fat is reduced.

Young cheese or cottage cheese are rich in sulfur proteins. When they mix with fats, the fat becomes water-soluble and no longer needs the help of the liver to be absorbed by the body's cells. Budwig's diet saturates the body with omega-3, a process in which cells are saturated with oxygen and restore health at the cellular level.

Here's what you need for the recipe: Young cheese or cottage cheese, linseed oil and a whisk mixer. The young cheese must be made from raw fresh milk, unpasteurized.

Mix in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of linseed oil to 2 tablespoons of young cheese or cottage cheese. Beat until the linseed oil is visible. It is recommended from 3 to 6 tablespoons of linseed oil a day.

Linseed oil
Linseed oil

As an alternative to young cheese, cottage cheese, strained yoghurt or kefir can be used - skimmed and low-calorie, but keep in mind that these products are not as useful as young cheese. The amount is the same - 3 tablespoons of yogurt or kefir to 1 tablespoon of linseed oil. Accepted up to 3 months.

The protocol includes a vegetarian diet, freshly ground flaxseed, sunlight, coping with stress. This is the fastest way to help yourself. Your health is your responsibility! It can be restored with the right combination of nutrients, rest, sleep, physical activity and detoxification.

If you are sick, heal your bowels first. You need to kill candida and other intestinal parasites while fighting cancer. Eat lots of raw plant foods, cleanse your colon and blood. Dr. Budwig's protocol will certainly help you heal!
