How Toasts Are Raised All Over The World

How Toasts Are Raised All Over The World
How Toasts Are Raised All Over The World

With the advent of toasts in various countries around the world, interesting traditions have emerged. Toasts and drinking in different parts of the world have been absorbed in different ways.

It is believed that the English first said goodbye to each other in the 17th century. Bread and spices were then added to the wine to reduce its acidity.

The label in France obliges the drinks to be served to the ladies first, and the alcohol must be in the middle of the glass, so that one cannot pour oneself with a toast, which is a sign of vulgarity in the country.

In Spain, beliefs forbid knocking on glasses that are filled with water instead of alcohol. Such a toast in a country promises seven years of bad sex.

Cheers with wine
Cheers with wine

Allowed drinks in Italy for dinner are wine and water, and beer is considered a vulgar and unacceptable drink, especially if you have invited guests home.

The culture of toasts in the Czech Republic requires people to look each other in the eyes when knocking over glasses, as well as not to cross their arms with each other.

In Georgia, toasts are a mandatory part of every sitting at the table and can be raised between 20-30 in one night.

The tradition in Russia is that every toast is accompanied by a joke. A sign of low upbringing is considered if the bottle is not removed from the table after emptying.


The national drink in Kazakhstan is called koumiss and is fermented horse milk. The tradition in the country does not allow this drink to be thrown away and the remains of it must be returned to the jug.

During a toast in China, young people should keep their glasses lower than those of adults, drinking from the first glass to the bottom, then turning to the table to see that there is nothing left.

In Peru, it is customary for a glass of beer to be shared by everyone at the table, circling the drink in a circle.

In Nigeria, a couple is considered married not after signing an official document or a priest declaring them spouses, but when they say goodbye to palm wine.
