Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency

Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency
Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamins are a group of organic substances that are essential for normal cell function, growth and development of the body. They affect metabolic processes, support the immune system, affect the catalytic activity of enzymes, as well as many other vital functions. The body cannot synthesize all the necessary vitamins, so some of them are taken only through nutrition. Insufficient availability of one or more vitamins in the diet leads to a deficiency of vitamins - the so-called. hypovitaminosis.

B vitamins are catalysts for many of the chemical reactions in the body. Deficiency of some of these vitamins can lead to disruption of normal bodily function, as well as increased human susceptibility to a disease. It is best to use B vitamins in combination - the so-called. B-complex, because in this way their effect is stronger than their use alone. The most common symptoms of B-vitamin deficiency are inflammatory processes leading to muscle atrophy, heart failure, impaired peristalsis, diarrhea and others. This group of vitamins also affects the nervous system - a lack of B3 and B6 leads to nervous disorders, irritability and depression.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency
Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Ascorbic acid - vitamin C, is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body. The body needs vitamin C to build the most common protein in the human body - collagen. Collagen is the cellular glue that supports the skin, blood vessels, muscles, tendons, bones and joints. Vitamin C stimulates hematopoiesis and liver function. Hypovitaminosis most often manifests itself in scurvy. Typical symptoms for him are easy and fast fatigue, shaking of the teeth, inflammation and bleeding from the gums and others. The body's immune defenses against infections are reduced.

Vitamin A (retinol) deficiency causes dryness and peeling of the skin and mucous membranes, reduced immune protection against infections and delayed wound healing. A characteristic disease is the so-called. chicken blindness, expressed in drying and wounding of the cornea of the eye, followed by general inflammation of the whole eye. Weight loss is also observed.

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. In case of deficiency - children develop rickets, which is why vitamin D is also called anti-rickets. The disease is characterized by softening and deformation of the bones, delayed ossification and eruption of teeth and others.

Other important vitamins, contained in lower amounts in the body, perform vital functions, in violation of which there are characteristic symptoms. Examples include delayed blood clotting in the absence of vitamin K, nerve cell degeneration and infertility in the absence of vitamin E. Pregnant women should take folic acid, which prevents the risk of congenital damage to the baby by 70%.

Vitamin deficiency is a condition of complete lack of any of the vitamins, which leads to various pathological changes in the body. This condition is very rare - usually with an irrational diet.
