Mass Bread Remains At The Old Prices, Even If The Price Of Electricity Increases

Mass Bread Remains At The Old Prices, Even If The Price Of Electricity Increases
Mass Bread Remains At The Old Prices, Even If The Price Of Electricity Increases

The price of bread will not rise, even if the planned increase in the price of electricity takes place, assures Mariana Kukusheva from the National Branch Union of Bakers and Confectioners.

The low beach capacity of the majority of Bulgarians, as well as the unfair competition from the gray sector, are the two main reasons why the values of bread and bakery products will not change.

However, Kukusheva adds that boutique bakeries can increase the prices of manufactured products if the price of electricity rises.

In these bakeries there is a direct connection between the producer and the customer. But in the case of mass-sold bread in the commercial network, the prices are delivery and are agreed for a certain period of time.

In the food industry, 80% of energy costs are related to the price of electricity, which is why it affects the cost of bread, the expert explained to Darik Radio.


The truth is that the invoices with the new electricity prices have come. And the increase is actually 20%. The debt obligation to the society costs 20% higher value of the invoices, and without VAT. At the moment, the delivery prices of bread have not changed - says Kukusheva.

However, the branch organization did not even comment on a possible increase for bread, as 45% of the competition in the market belongs to the gray sector and a significant difference in prices will make the goods of legal traders virtually unsaleable.

Most of the consumers in our country have low incomes and would prefer the cheaper and dubious products on the market.

The president of the National Branch Union of Bakers and Confectioners adds that in order to compensate the producers who pay higher electricity bills, but also to keep the price of bread, the gray sector in the branch should come to light.

It is also necessary to introduce a tax rate on bread in the state budget for next year.
