Plants That Are Disappearing Due To Global Warming

Plants That Are Disappearing Due To Global Warming
Plants That Are Disappearing Due To Global Warming

Global warming is imperceptibly but already visibly causing enormous damage to our planet. Among them is the disappearance of some fruits. In the first place among them is the banana.

Experts have concerns about the fate that awaits the favorite and delicious bananas. In recent years, there have been a number of pest attacks and fungal diseases on the fetus.

One of the leading exporters of bananas is Costa Rica. The country's government recently declared a "crisis situation" in the condition of the plantations, as the half-billion-dollar export industry was affected by the two separate pests. And this is directly related to global warming.

The population of harmful insects has skyrocketed in recent years, and the reason for this is precisely global warming. And this automatically increases the likelihood of their disasters around the world.


When parasites attack plants, it makes the plants much weaker. This damages the fruit and it is necessary to discard whole bunches of them.

Fungi are the other scourge that threatens the existence of bananas. A disease caused by the fungus Fusarium affects a key variety of bananas for export to Mozambique and Jordan.

In recent years, scientists everywhere and constantly finding evidence that global warming is already wiping out biological and herbaceous species at a much faster rate than expected. Populations of frogs, butterflies, corals and polar birds have already disappeared due to climate change.

Plants and animals living in narrow temperature ranges and those in cold climates were the first to suffer. And the species that turn from the sea ice - polar bears, seals, penguins, some forest frogs are already disappearing.


The situation with global warming is getting worse with each passing day. The constant alarms of scientists seem to remain unheard of by world powers, which must take immediate action.

This is not about the extinction of a separate biological and plant species, but about the complete confusion of nature, on which man is directly dependent and is a part.

Cocoa is another endangered species that suffers from global warming, and the fate of all typical crops may be similar. Plant diseases are the reason for the increasing use of pesticides, herbicides, which in turn can be harmful to nature and humans.

Bees are already suffering from them, and more and more bee families are dying out, despite the efforts of beekeepers. And the lack of pollination of many plants depends on these beneficial insects. There have been places in China for years where fruit trees are manually pollinated by humans because bees have long since died out in those areas.
