Proven: Vitamin D Supplements Are Useless

Proven: Vitamin D Supplements Are Useless
Proven: Vitamin D Supplements Are Useless

Pills and supplements with vitamin D. are useless, say Chinese scientists.

Scientists have clearly shown that the use of supplements containing calcium and / or vitamin D does not protect the elderly from fractures of the femur and other bones. The study is officially recognized.

Specialists performed a large-scale analysis and comparison of a total of 33 studies on the effect of calcium and / or vitamin D supplements on the condition of the skeletal system in the elderly. The surveyed data concern 51,145 adults over the age of 50, who mostly live with their families.

The authors report that the use of supplements is not associated with a reduction in the risk of new fractures regardless of the dose, the sex of the patient, the calcium content of the food or the initial concentration of vitamin D. in the blood.

Vitamin D plays a leading role in regulating calcium absorption and stimulating bone growth. Its positive role has been proven in the prevention of breast, colon and prostate cancer. It has a healing effect on obesity, heart disease and depression. However, when it comes to protecting the elderly from bone fractures, its effect is zero.

So far, there have been several private studies that have supported the thesis of the benefits of vitamin D. for the bones. Years ago, British scientists found that the vitamin is absorbed differently by the body, depending on what it combines.

An American study showed that the combined intake of milk and vitamin D is the best for the absorption of both elements. However, the Chinese categorically refuted the thesis that this can improve the already damaged bone condition in adults.
