This Is How Your Kitchen Utensils Turn Out To Be A Generator Of Bacteria

This Is How Your Kitchen Utensils Turn Out To Be A Generator Of Bacteria
This Is How Your Kitchen Utensils Turn Out To Be A Generator Of Bacteria

Kitchen utensils as knives and planers can to spread bacteria between different types of products, found a new study.

Scientists at the University of Georgia have contaminated various fruits and vegetables with bacteria such as salmonella and Escherichia coli. They cut them with a knife or grated them with a grater. They then used unwashed utensils for other products. And found that both devices spread the bacteria to other types of products.

The researchers also found that different types of products contaminated the devices to varying degrees.

Products such as tomatoes tended to contaminate knives more than sliced strawberries. We do not have a specific answer to the question why there are differences between different product groups. But we know that once the pathogen enters the food, it is difficult to eliminate, explained lead author Marilyn Erickson, an associate professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Kitchen utensils
Kitchen utensils

Further tests showed that cooking brushes and peelers also spread bacteria between products.

Erickson says a lot of people don't know that kitchen utensils can spread bacteria.

Just knowing that kitchen utensils can lead to cross-contamination is important. With this knowledge, consumers are more likely to make sure they wash it between uses, the researcher added.

The results of the study were published in the journal Food Microbiology.
