Nutrition In Dyspepsia

Nutrition In Dyspepsia
Nutrition In Dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is a condition that is associated with difficulty digesting. In most cases it occurs with the appearance of heartburn, swelling, nausea, a feeling of tension.

One of the common causes of dyspepsia is poor nutrition. Therefore, to deal with the problem, you need to follow a certain diet.

Avoid greasy and fried foods. Try to limit your intake of so-called junk food. That means you shouldn't be tempted by fries, burgers, desserts, chips, pizzas and all those products lurking in fast food chains.

Kupeshki waffles, croissants, cakes and pies are also able to cause stomach problems. If you eat such a culinary product, try to prepare it at home - you will certainly save your body from a bunch of harmful substances.

Be careful with fatty meats and heavy broths. It is imperative to emphasize fruits and vegetables and dishes in liquid form. Soups, porridges and stews are useful. Fruit creams and purees too.


It is good to emphasize products such as cabbage, carrots, apples, eggs. Sesame tahini, olive oil and honey are also suitable for eating. Pamper yourself with chicken, lean fish, cottage cheese.

Season your dishes with mint, rosemary or ginger. These spices are not only extremely fragrant, but also medicinal.

Eat slowly and chew well. It is absolutely contraindicated for the patient to overeat systematically or to undergo drastic diets that require starvation.

Try to take small portions 3-4 times a day. Leave intervals of 3-4 hours between meals. When eating, avoid drinking water or other liquids in large quantities.

Do not combine too many foods of different types, because this sometimes has a bad effect on the digestive process. Between meals, go for walks, yoga or sports to speed up digestion.

Also, try not to eat late at night. Experts advise to leave an interval of at least 3 hours between the last meal and bedtime.
