Achieving Fluid Balance In The Body

Achieving Fluid Balance In The Body
Achieving Fluid Balance In The Body

As we know, the human body consists mainly of water (60-80%), so the intake of sufficient fluids is especially important for the normal functioning of the body.

To avoid the risk of dehydration, you must drink the required amount of water per day, as well as follow a certain water regime. Also keep in mind that the amount may vary from person to person, ie it all depends on what your health is, whether you exercise, the ambient temperature or the presence of pregnancy.

And here are the exact steps to achieve fluid balance in the body.

1. Drink water regularly

An important feature is drinking 1 glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, as if restarting your body. You can make a reminder on your phone or download special programs for your smartphone that will remind you to drink enough fluids until you get used to it.

2. Always carry water with you

Small bottles are not heavy, but you can carry them anywhere with you. Some of them even have a mark on how much water you have already drunk and how much you have left. Usually everyone should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and even more if you exercise and lead an active lifestyle. This amount is higher for men, and for them this figure reaches 13 glasses per day.

3. Drink water before you are very thirsty

Water balance in the body
Water balance in the body

Once you are very thirsty, then your body begins to send you signals that your body is severely deficient in fluid. To restore the water balance, you should drink water quite often and less. Keep in mind that over the years, these receptors begin to work less effectively, so it's important to be able to control the amount of fluid tested yourself.

4. Urine helps to understand the level of dehydration of the body

In addition to drinking fluids daily, you should also monitor the color of your urine, an indication that you may not be getting enough fluids. If everything is fine and you take the right amount of water, then its color will be light yellow and transparent. If your body is dehydrated, then it will become significantly darker.

5. Limit your intake of beverages that contain caffeine, alcohol and sugar

They cause your body to lose fluids much faster, while sugar is harmful to the correct water balance of fluids in the body. It is much better to drink more water, although it is much less attractive in taste and often people make the mistake of drinking only coffee without water - you should alternate a sip of one drink and a sip of the other drink.

6. Drink more water when exercising

Balance of fluids in the body
Balance of fluids in the body

As you may have guessed, for the perfect water balance it is important to equalize the amount of fluid lost and gained. That's why you have to to drink more waterif you lead an active lifestyle and try to go to the gym regularly.

What determines the amount of fluid you need to take daily?

1. Your level of activity, as if you exercise a lot, then you should drink more water;

2. The environment, such as if the temperature is higher, then you have to drink more fluids daily, ie water consumption increases;

3. Geographical location, such as the higher the altitude, the more water you should drink per day;

4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding also increase the amount of water you need daily;

2. Age and gender.

As you already know, the minimum amount of fluids per day is 8 glasses, but it is still important to focus on your personal needs of the body, as well as features such as geographical location, ambient temperature, how active you are and other factors. By no means ignore our health tips, because not getting enough fluids a day can even lead to dehydration.

And be sure to take a look at this alkaline lemon water for virus protection, as well as find out the benefits of honey water on an empty stomach.
