Chocolate Comforts Us During A Crisis

Chocolate Comforts Us During A Crisis
Chocolate Comforts Us During A Crisis

In times of severe financial crisis, we deprive ourselves of all luxuries and small pleasures in order to be able to cope with scarce resources. It turns out that even in the most difficult times, people can not live without one thing - chocolate. Sales of the sweet temptation have remained within the same limits as before the financial stagnation, and are not expected to decline in the coming years.

Marketing experts believe that cheap delicacies such as chocolate and chips fit perfectly into people's thinning pockets, which is why they continue to buy them regularly. Chocolate is resistant to the recession because people always turn to it - both as a reward and as a consolation from failures.

Innovations in the production of chocolate also play an important role in its leading positions. Manufacturers do not stop inventing more and more delicious varieties to maintain the love for the cocoa product. About 500 new chocolate products were launched in England last year alone.

Apart from being delicious and extremely popular, chocolate is also quite useful. Pure cocoa products are rich in phenylethylamines - chemicals that are produced by the brain when a person experiences strong emotions. These substances are part of the pills that are taken by patients with depression. What is the conclusion - well, eat chocolate so as not to fall into heavy emotional holes.

On the other hand, cocoa stimulates the production of serotonin - another well-known antidepressant. In addition, it contains important substances such as magnesium, potassium and iron. Well, are you already convinced that eating chocolate brings not only pleasure for the senses, but also health bonuses? Of course, don't be tempted by chocolate too often, because most good things shouldn't be overdone.
