Nutrition In Inflamed Pancreas

Nutrition In Inflamed Pancreas
Nutrition In Inflamed Pancreas

The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach, near the duodenum (the initial part of the small intestine).

Inflammation of the pancreas is called pancreatitis. It is a relatively rare disease and is generally an inflammation in which its enzymes are activated, thus damaging it. This can lead to bleeding, cysts or cavities, death or self-digestion of the gland, etc.

Enzymes and toxins enter the blood. In this way, they seriously damage other organs, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys.

The pancreas consists of a body, head and tail. In functional terms it is divided into exocrine and endocrine part. The exocrine pancreas secretes enzymes that are involved in the process of digestion and breaks down proteins, fats, etc., while the endocrine pancreas secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon. They are important for maintaining blood sugar levels. The head of the pancreas is located in the upper right, and the tail, respectively, in the upper, left part of the abdomen.

Dairy products
Dairy products

A complete and accurate analysis of the general condition of the body is needed to draw up an effective treatment plan for pancreatitis. Special attention should also be paid to the condition of the entire digestive system, as well as other systems and organs. The treatment of pancreatitis is mainly in preparing the right diet.

With pancreatitis, it is necessary to reduce fat by up to 50-60 grams per day. Low-fat milk and dairy products as well as unsalted cheeses are allowed.

It is preferable to use tender, young meats, fresh river fish, biscuits, rice, white bread, rusks, cereals, sweeteners, vegetables - almost all, fruits - fresh and well ripened. Of the spices most suitable for use are parsley and dill. Drinks - nectars and mineral water.

Of great importance is the method of their preparation: it is preferable to steam, soak the cereals before cooking, reduce the time for heat treatment, as well as compliance with other rules and requirements.


The meat should be mashed and cream soups should be prepared from the vegetables. Meals are mandatory five times a day. From the previous abundance and variety of the table you need to move to a quality healthy menu.

Naturopathy has many effective means to combat inflamed pancreas. It must begin with detoxification of the body. This is a great help to the digestive system, liver, kidneys, and hence the pancreas.

Phytotherapy is appropriate, as the decoctions of flaxseed, dandelion roots, bean pods, blueberries / the whole bush /, coltsfoot, white mulberry leaves, bearberry, corn hair are used successfully. It is advisable to include them in the diet in the form of teas and infusions.
